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Community Stories
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- In my families trauma, we had to bury our middle child. He was very intellectual, spontaneous and just an amazing soul. He brought joy to the ones around us, and when he left us, we hard time to dealing with it. Had I not had another son, and a daughter on the way, I might of gone to be at home with him and our Heavenly Father....We struggle every day with depression, I feel as if I have failed and I know I shouldn’t hold it over myself... he wouldn’t want me to... we still struggle with complications with our marriage I think partially because of this incident... it’s hard to trust that the universe doesn’t have it out for me... a year and half prior to his accident my mom passed away of pancreatic cancer, which she was only diagnosed 4 months prior to passing...Six months after we lost our son with then lost my wife’s father from a heart attack" - Anonymous Male
- "I was in an abusive relationship for years and I couldn't leave. I had nowhere to go, no money and no job. I finally left because I ended up in the hospital fighting for my life. I know that it was a bad situation but love is hard to walk away from. I am now in a great relationship with a man who treats me like a queen. I have struggled every day but in the end, I know I am one of the lucky ones" -Anonymous Female
- I would like to share my story today sisters. I was stationed in Stuttgart Germany. I was in a very abusive marriage. Afraid to return home with my 2-year-old at times. I was blessed to have a true sister in my life who provided a safe place for myself and my daughter. She PCSd but I knew she grew up in the DC area. Fast forward 35 years later. I eventually retired from the military in Maryland. I happened to find my friend on FB. I contacted her and we have been reunited ever since. We never missed a beat. It felt like time stood still. The phenomenal part of this story is she lives 5 minutes from me and we attend the same church. I thank God for my Shero! Because she told me if I didn't leave my husband he would eventually kill me. That last conversation resonated with me and I found the strength to leave him. You never know when someone will need a buddy! Stay connected! Sisters for life♥️, - Dr. Kimberly Hickman-Bey
- It happened in 2016 I was in a bad place in my life at that time and I left everything and everyone behind to find ME... It almost cost me my life... I was homeless at the time and left Massachusetts to Virginia beach and that's when it all started ..if it wasn't for the PEOPLE in Virginia to help me I wouldn't be here today... Whether you're a man or woman you need to say something bottom line..My abuser Will be out of jail in 2022...Am I scared...Yes but it's not going to stop me from where I was to where I got to Today... I have a great support group of friends that will ALWAYS be there to help me... And if my STORY can help someone else then I feel my job is complete. -Brenda Vasquez, Chelmsford, MA
- Hey everyone my name is Ashley and I am a survivor of rape. I was 12 years old when I was raped. I liked to say at 33yewrs old things have gotten better and the struggles were less but they are not. My rapist was never charged and I struggle every day with depression and PTSD etc. I feel like what keeps me going every day is my kids and to share my story with others who have been sexually assaulted to let them know they are not alone and it's not your fault. As rape victim we automatically blame ourselves for what happened but it's not. It's one day at a time if not one hour or one minute to one second to get through the days. -Ashley, 33, Unknown
- Hey everyone my name is Ashley and I am a survivor of rape. I was 12 years old when I was raped. I liked to say at 33yewrs old things have gotten better and the struggles were less but they are not. My rapist was never charged and I struggle every day with depression and PTSD etc. I feel like what keeps me going every day is my kids and to share my story with others who have been sexually assaulted to let them know they are not alone and it's not your fault. As rape victim we automatically blame ourselves for what happened but it's not. It's one day at a time if not one hour or one minute to one second to get through the days. -Ashley, 33, Unknown